[ SportsLeisure ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): Knulp (크눌프) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년08월05일(목) 20시24분10초 KDT 제 목(Title): Carbon SHI-NA-I. I have been in Japan for twenty days in July. I've bought a Carbon Graphite Shinai. Shinai is 죽도 in Korean and used in 검도. Carbon shinai is very flexible but it's not easy to break. So it can be used for a long time, people say. They don't recommend carbon shinai in Japan, because it make too much pain to opposite person when exercise. I think it's right that we should not use Carbon shinai to man. Its cost was 18000yen including VAT. It's about 160000won. I've played Kumdo for about five years and I usually use three shinais in a year. Usual bamboo shinai costs about 15000won, isn't it? I will tell you how long I can practice with the carbon shinai when I broke it. Knulp... |