[ QuizWit ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): ilusion (푼수환상��,P) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년03월15일(화) 05시58분40초 KST 제 목(Title): The last word from iLLUSiOn From the sudden darkness i am facing, it has been a luxury that i never dreamed before...... My existance in KIDS has been expired into nothingness........ No reason to fool the time of FFaust...... it is somewhat sad that i can't continue my 4Dim Quiz Serise... since you are the pfirst people seeing what i have been doing....... Good Bye All... " Oh.. My Load Take All You Can..... I won't Resist AnyMore" �� 환상 �� CopyLeft 존재는 사치일뿐 .... 아엠 더 원 후 헤즈빈 익스펙티드. 엔드 유아 저스트 팔로우어스 오브 더 리빌드 일루전. 더 이어 오브 일루전 2002 |