[ OpenDiary ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): arche (기마 토끼) 날 짜 (Date): 1995년08월21일(월) 15시44분17초 KDT 제 목(Title): Janus님 긴단어 수집해다가 뭘하실까? 음, 긴 단어를 수집하신다니... 참 세상엔 별 취미가 다 있다는 걸 새삼 느낍니다. 옛날에 고등학교때 단어 외우다가 그런 거 해 본 기억은 있는데, 그걸 평생 취미로 삼을 생각은 꿈에도 못해 봤걸랑요. 그 때 유행하던 마흔 네자 정도의 단어가 있었는데, 기억은 안 나지만... 어제까지만 해도 알고 있었던 것같은데... (이젠 믿어줄 사람도 없겠군.) 혹시 가지고 계실지도 모르겠네요. 이건 어때요, 보신 적 있으신지. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 'supercali'fragilistic'expiali'docious, a. Also supercalifragilistic; formerly also other varr. Fanciful: cf. super a. 3. A nonsense-word used esp. by children, now chiefly expressing excited approbation: fantastic, fabulous. Made popular by the Walt Disney film `Mary Poppins' in 1964. The song containing the word was the subject of a copyright infringement suit brought in 1965 against the makers of the film by Life Music Co. and two song-writers: cf. quots. 1949, 1951. In view of earlier oral uses of the word sworn to in affidavits and dissimilarity between the songs the judge ruled against the plaintiffs. ................And here things could be counted, each one.................... He knew the number of brass teeth in the left half of the open zipper of the salt-crusted leather jacket that Linda Lee wore as she trudged along the sunset beach, swinging a stick of driftwood in her hand (two hundred and two). ...................................................................Neuromancer |