[ Music ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): novio (노뵤) 날 짜 (Date): 2005년 8월 20일 토요일 오후 06시 46분 39초 제 목(Title): JBL 스피커 어때요? JBL Northridge 스피커 써 보신 분 계세요? 정가는 한짝에 400불 이래도 140불 정도면 E60 사겠더라구요. (epinions.com 참조) E60, E80, E100으로 갈 수록 값이 뛰어서 100은 60보다 두 배 비싸거든요. 파워와 우퍼 크기 말고는 차이가 없는데 그냥 싼 걸 살려구요. 주로 듣는 건 클래식입니다. 피아노, 협주곡, 첼로 다 조금씩 듣습니다. E60 사양이 8-inch shielded PolyPlas woofers; 4-inch shielded PolyPlas drivers; 3/4-inch shielded titanium-laminate dome tweeters Straight-Line Signal Path crossover network divides signal with minimal processing 90 watts continuous, 360 watts peak power handling; 175-watt maximum amplifier power Gold-plated 5-way binding posts for strong connection Each measures 9-7/8 x 36-1/2 x 12 inches (W x H x D) E80은 6-inch shielded PolyPlas woofers; 4-inch shielded PolyPlas drivers; 3/4-inch shielded titanium-laminate dome tweeters Straight-Line Signal Path crossover network divides signal with minimal processing 100 watts continuous, 400 watts peak power handling; 200-watt maximum amplifier power Gold-plated 5-way binding posts for strong connection Measures 8-3/8 x 36-1/2 x 13-1/2 inches (W x H x D) E100은 10-inch shielded PolyPlas woofers; 4-inch shielded PolyPlas drivers; 3/4-inch shielded titanium-laminate dome tweeters Straight-Line Signal Path crossover network divides signal with minimal processing 125 watts continuous, 500 watts peak power handling; 250-watt maximum amplifier power Gold-plated 5-way binding posts for strong connection Each measures 12-1/4 x 42 x 14-1/2 inches (W x H x D) |