[ Music ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): HellCat (Nobody) 날 짜 (Date): 2005년 6월 23일 목요일 오후 10시 42분 28초 제 목(Title): Re: 송창식 전영록 김범룡 폴매카트니 피아노 치는거 TV나 콘써트에도 많이 나왔는데요.. 그리고 Let it be 피아노 연주 폴매카트니 맞습니다. Let It Be (4:03) Recorded: January 31, 1969 at Apple Studios, London, England with overdubs added April 30, 1969 and January 4, 1970 Re-produced and remixed by Phil Spector in March, 1970 John Lennon - bass guitar, harmony vocal Paul McCartney - lead vocal, piano George Harrison - lead guitar, harmony vocal Ringo Starr - drums Session musicians - orchestra (overdubbed by Phil Spector) |