From : hunpark (Hun K Park) Date : Mon Dec 28 02:03:00 1992 Subject: How to use hcode? Hi, Kyunghee family Very glad to meet you guys through Computer. I am 75 school year of Medical school. and studying Biomedical Engineering at Rutgers University in New Jersey. I found this BBS lately and tried to post Hangul but failed. Our computer is SunOs system and tried to use hcode ver.1 to post Hangul which failed to make. I just downloaded hcode1.1.tar.Z from Kaist and uncompress it. If anybody knows how to compile and how to run it, please leave me message at Thanks in advance. Hun Park M.D. p.s. I set stty pass8 and setenv LANG korean at my .cshrc file. But still I could not send Hangul at all. I don't have difficulty to read Hangul but writing Hangul always generates Garbage stuff. . |