[ KJIST ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): olive (송 효 정) 날 짜 (Date): 1996년07월25일(목) 15시49분09초 KDT 제 목(Title): COMPSAC96 다음은 8월 19일부터 서울 워커힐 호텔에서 열리는 COMPSAC 96(The Twentieth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference)에 대한 전반적인 소개와 Advance Program입니다. 관심있는 분들의 많은 참가 바랍니다. -------------------------From Here------------------------------------- COMPSAC(Computer Software and Applications Conference)은 IEEE가 후원하는 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 및 응용분야를 광범위하게 다루는 역사 깊고 명성있는 국제 학술대회로서 IEEE Computer Society의 창립 50 주년 기념겸 COMPSAC의 20주년 기념 행사인 COMPSAC96를 IEEE Computer Society와 한국 정보과학회의 공동 후원으로 국내에서 개최하게된 것은 국내의 학계는 물론 국내 정보통신 산업의 발전에 기여할 것이며, 세계화에 일조할 수 있는 좋은 기회라 생각합니다. COMPSAC96의 프로그램을 간략하게 소개하면 국제적으로 저명한 전문가 들로 구성된 Program Committee에 의하여 엄선된 73편의 논문과 12개의 정보 통신 관련 산업에 관심이 큰 분야의 Panel Session, 그리고 4 강좌의 Professional Development Seminar(Tutorial)를 포함하고 있습니다. COMPSAC은 과거 20년간 전통적으로 정보통신 관련 산업 및 정부의 정책에 크게 영향을 미칠 수 있는 분야에 초점을 마추었으 이번 COMPSAC96에서는 우리 정부가 추진중인 초고속 정보통신망 관련 부문과 정보통신 산업에서 활발하게 사업개발이 추진되고 있는 internet 분야에 프로그램 및 튜토리얼의 큰 부분을 할당하였습니다. COMPSAC96은 그동안 우리나라에서 거행되었던 수많은 국제 학술대회와는 달리 우리나라에서 새로 만든 국제 학술대회가 아니라 미국에서 설립 되었고, 20년의 전통을 가진 국제 학술대회를 유치하여 거행한다는데에 큰 의의가 있습니다. 따라서 COMPSAC96은 우리 전산 및 정보통신 관련 전문가들의 축제라 할 수 있습니다. COMPSAC96의 Program Committee와 Operations Committee는 지난 1 년간 성공적인 학술대회가 되도록 혼신의 노력을 해왔고, 나머지 기간동안에도 혼신의 노력을 다할것을 약속드리며, 여러분들의 성원을 부탁드립니다. 특히 여러분들의 학술대회 및 튜토리얼 등록을 통한 참여를 부탁드리며, 주위의 제자, 동료들에게도 참여를 권하여주시기 부탁드립니다. 첨부한 COMPSAC96 Advance Program을 참조하십시오. ADVANCE PROGRAM The Twentieth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference COMPSAC 96 Sheraton Walker Hill, Seoul, Korea Conference: August 21-23, 1996 Professional Development Seminars: August 19-20, 1995 http://www.icse.eecs.uic.edu/~sel/htdocs/compsac96 Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society This conference is a major international forum for practitioners, researchers, managers, and policy makers interested in computer software and applications as well as the software industry. In addition to three keynote addresses from industry leaders, there are 32 technical sessions, including 11 panel sessions, covering original research and development results on software development, knowledge and database systems, distributed systems, formal methods, multi-media systems, telecommunications software and applications, software industry practices and standards. Four one-day pre-conference professional development seminars on timely important topics have been organized. FOUR ONE-DAY PRE-CONFERENCE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINARS MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1996 9:00am - 5:00pm S-1. Develop Internet Software Applications Using JAVA, Robert C. Lai, International Software Process Constellation, USA S-2. Distributed Multimedia Information Systems, Arif Ghafoor, Purdue University, USA TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1996 9:00am - 5:00pm S-3. Management Approaches to Building Quality Complex Systems Kenneth D. Shere, The Aerospace Corporation, USA S-4. Computer Networks and Information Infrastructures, Dick B. Simmons, Texas A & M University, USA CONFERENCE-AT-A-GLANCE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1996 9:00 am - 10:00 am Opening Session: Gil Chang Kim, Conference Chair Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea Keynote Address: "Information Technology and GII Visions" Dr. Jung Uck Seo, President Korea Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Korea 10:30 am - 12:00 noon Session 1. SE: Processes Supporting Software Development, R. Lai, USA Session 2. ET: Parallelism in Petri Net, T.H. Tse, Hong Kong Session 3. MD: Multimedia Environment & Applications, P. Shah, USA Session 4. OO: Object-oriented Technology (1), S. Honiden, Japan 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Session 5. SE: Metrics in Software Development, D.W. Bae, Korea Session 6. ET: Security & Compilation, S. Bhattacharya, USA Session 7. Panel: Multimedia on the Internet, Y. Al-Salqan, USA Session 8. Panel: Is OO working as promised?, A. Combelles, France 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Session 9. Panel: Software Industry in Asia, H.S. Ihm, Korea Session 10. ET: Potpouri, A. Hawkes, USA Session 11. MD: Distributed DB Application Tools, K.C. Kang, Korea Session 12. Panel: Would Internet meet global expectation?, S. Goto, Japan THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1996 9:00 am - 10:00 am Plenary Session: Chair - Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA Keynote Address: "Technological Innovations Leading to Change in the Social System" Dr. Yasutsugu Takeda Senior Executive Managing Director Hitachi, Ltd. Japan 10:30 am - 12:00 noon Session 13. SE: Formal Approaches in Software Development, Y.C. Shim, Korea Session 14. ET: Formal Networks, Y.C. Chen, ROC Session 15. MD: Multimedia Database, F. Quek, USA Session 16. OO: Object-oriented Technology (2), F.J. Wang, ROC 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Session 17. SE: Software Integration, S.D. Kim, Korea Session 18. Panel: The Role of Architecture in the Development of Software Systems, M. Bosson, Netherlands Session 19. MD: Object-oriented Database, R. Thomys, Germany Session 20. Panel: Which Network Will Win?, D. Simmons, USA 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Session 21. SE: Software Development and Education Models, Ifay Chang, USA Session 22. Panel: High Assurance Systems Engineering, R. Paul, USA Session 23. MD: Database Theory, T.M. Jiang, USA Session 24. Panel: Emerging Technology for Network Software Development, T.L. Wang, USA FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1996 9:00 am - 10:00 am Plenary Session: Chair - Carl K. Chang, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Keynote Address: "Revolutionalizing Software Development" Dr. Robert L. Martin Technology Officer Lucent Technologies USA 10:30 am - 12:00 noon Session 25. Panel: Software Process Re-engineering & Improvement, M. Aoyama, Japan Session 26. ET: Testing & Debugging, Y.S. Kuo, ROC Session 27. TS: Network-Software Engineering, S.M. Yang, Korea Session 28. OO: Object-oriented Applications, J.S. Ke, ROC 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Session 29. SE: Software Design and Analysis Methods, K. Malaivongs, Thailand Session 30. Panel: Software Education in the Asia-Pacific Region in the 21st Century, J. Urban, USA Session 31. MD: Client/Server & Video Processing, J. Smith, USA Session 32. Panel: Lessons Learned and Future Direction of Information Superhighway, J.S. Patterson, USA 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Closing Session. "The Trends of Software Technology and Applications" Chair: Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA Compsac 96 Professional Development Seminars MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1996 9:00am - 5:00pm Two One-Day Professional Development Seminars S-1 Develop Internet Software Applications Using JAVA Robert C. Lai, International Software Process Constellation, USA Audience: Intended for software professionals who want to use JAVA as a language for building Internet software applications. This seminar will especially benefit software professionals on the technical as well as market aspects of JAVA system development. Description: JAVA brings in the execution, interaction and animation power to the Web. JAVA is a new language developed by Sun Microsystems that can be used stand alone or as an extension from the HTML markup language. JAVA will change the way we develop and use software because JAVA includes strong software engineering elements, e.g. Object Orientation. The design of JAVA has built-in constructs for distributed systems, portabilities, robustness, security, and performance. In this tutorial we will explain the concepts for building Web applications using JAVA as well as practical step by step examples for building a simple application using JAVA. Outline: * Introduction * An Introduction to JAVA . Characteristics: Portable, Robust, Secure, Object-Oriented . Development Environment, Compiler, Interpreter and Browser . Existing Application Examples * Using JAVA Environment . JAVA Developer's Kit (JDK) . HotJava Browser . Java Application Interface Packages * JAVA Fundamentals . Types, Variables, Operators, Control Flow, Thread . Classes, Applications, Applets, Interfaces, Packages . Exception Handlers, Protocol Handlers, Content Handlers * Building A Sample JAVA Application . Create Programs . Execute, Analyze and Refine Programs Lecturer: Robert Chi Tau Lai is president and founder of International Software Process Constellation (ISPC), Inc. Reston, VA, which is specialized in software process definition, software development methods, and retaliated areas. ISPC is helping companies for advanced software technologies for automating enterprise business process over Internet. From 1988-1992, he was on the technical staff of the Software Productivity Consortium, where he was the senior process scientist of the Process Improvement Division. His assignment was to develop the methodology and explore supporting technologies for the Consortium's process improvement approach to software development. He received M.S. in Computer Aided Design in 1985 from the Design Information Processing Laboratory, Carnegie-Mellon University. He was a visiting research scientist in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie-Mellon University. He was also an industry liaison for IEEE Software magazine. S-2 Distributed Multimedia Information Systems Arif Ghafoor, Purdue University, USA Audience: Researchers, developers, practitioners and software engineers in the area of multimedia systems. A brief exposure to general concepts about database development and networking systems would be helpful. Description: Advances in database and broadband networking technologies have made distributed multimedia applications a reality today. Number of advanced applications require high speed networking and distributed access to information sources. These applications include telemedicine, digital libraries, entertainment, distant-learning and consultation, distributed collaboration, multimedia mail, video-conferencing, distributed collaboration, distant-learning, etc. The objective of this tutorial is to present the current state-of-the-art and leading R&D issues for a distributed multimedia information system (DMIS). We focus on a set specification requirements for such a system and discuss design methodologies for the software architecture of a general purpose multimedia database management system which serves as a kernel for a DMIS. These requirements dictate efficient indexing and content-based retrieval mechanisms for distributed multimedia data, enforcing synchronization of multimedia information in a distributed environment, and the delivery of high quality multimedia information. The suitability of the emerging object-oriented technology for providing building blocks for the software development of a DMIS, the design issues for various multimedia synchronization protocols and network architecture for resource management are discussed. Trade-offs between quality and network resources requirements are presented. Several approaches to meet these challenges and case studies from various existing systems are presented. Outline: * Distributed Multimedia Applications * Requirement Specifications for a General Purpose Multimedia DBMS . Data Modeling of Multimedia Information . Indexing and Retrieval of Multimedia Data . Media Synchronization . Multimedia Query Languages . User Interface * Object-Oriented Based Software Design of Multimedia Databases * Distributed Software Architecture for Multimedia Databases * Quality of Service Specification * Broadband Networking Technology * Network Resource Management and Architecture * Multimedia Synchronization Protocols Lecturer: Arif Ghafoor received the MS, MPhil and PhD from Columbia University, in 1980, and 1985, respectively. He joined the faculty of Purdue University in 1985 and is now associate professor of electrical engineering. His research interests include parallel and distributed systems and multimedia information systems. His research in these areas has been funded by the DoD, the NSF, NYNEX, AT&T, Intel Corp., Fuji Electric Corp., and General Electric Co. He has given tutorials on multimedia systems on numerous leading conferences, including IEEE ICDE'94, IEEE ICDE'95, IEEE ICMCS'94, IEEE COMPSAC'94, ACM MULTIMEDIA'94, ADB'95 and SPIE conferences. Currently, he is serving on the editorial boards of ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems, the Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, and the Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases. He was the guest editor of a number of special issues are on various aspects of multimedia information systems. TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1996 Two One-Day Professional Development Seminars 9:00am - 5:00pm S-3 Management Approaches to Building Quality Complex Systems Kenneth D. Shere, The Aerospace Corporation, USA Audience: Intended for practitioners, technical managers and general managers who are building (large or real-time) complex systems and are interested in proactive approaches to quality. Description: Many systems being built today are very complex. Either they are very large or contain real-time components. The large number of middleware products available is evidence of this complexity. In addition to being very expensive to build, these systems frequently affect the financial health or safety of their users. Various management approaches to assuring quality products will be presented. These approaches are based on case studies in which the instructor has personally participated. The application areas of the case studies include design of space systems, multi-channel data modems, and air traffic control systems. The specific cases involve systems that are either currently operational or will be operational within one year. Because the course focuses on complex systems, a wide variety of approaches are needed to build in quality. This seminar presents an introduction to approaches ranging from management attitudes to defining (in the CMM sense) the verification and validation process, to integrating modeling, simulation and testing with design. Outline: * Class perspective, defining complexity and an overview of the course * Management Approaches . Fostering Quality: Management attitudes; stimulating innovation; building a quality, quality assurance group; an integrated quality engineering program . The CMM Process: How tailoring the CMM to your organization helps building quality software and systems * Real Time Components: An integrated approach to modeling, simulation, design and testing * Proactive Versus Reactive approaches to quality * Defining the verification and validation (V&V) process: defining a work breakdown structure, identifying products and roles, specifying V&V processes Lecturer: Kenneth D. Shere is a senior project engineer in the Engineering Technology Group of The Aerospace Corporation. Dr. Shere provides support to various program offices responsible for procuring systems costing in excess of $100M. Previously he has been an independent consultant, principal of a small systems engineering business, department manager and technical director (of groups ranging from 5 to 180 people). His areas of expertise include systems engineering, software engineering, re-engineering, independent validation and verification, testing, quality assurance, training and technology transfer. Dr. Shere has published 16 papers and two books (with two more books in preparation). He has received a variety of honors and awards including a Navy Meritorious Civilian Service award, and was a NASA-ASEE Faculty Fellow. He has a B.S. degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, an M.S. degree in Mathematics, and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, each from the University of Illinois. S-4 Computer Networks and Information Infrastructures Dick B. Simmons, Texas A & M University, USA Audience: Intended for system designers, computer engineers, computer scientists, software engineers, and managers who plan to build products or interface to the planned information highway. No prior experience in computer networks is required. Description: This seminar provides an in-depth survey of current computer networks and underlying technologies, including architectural requirements for supporting information surperhighways and national information infrastructures, network standards supporting the new networking technologies, such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode, wireless LANs, distributed knowledge based problem location, and optical networks. These efforts in the U.S., Mexico and Latin America, Western Europe, and Pacific Rim countries are also discussed. Current and future internet applications will be described and internet applications will be demonstrated by connecting a portable computer directly to the internet. Outline: * Network design criteria and protocols * International Telecommunications Union technical standards framework * Broadband integrated services digital network * Synchronous digital hierarchy * US national information infrastructure * National information infrastructures of Mexico and Latin America, Western Europe, Pacific and Atlantic Rims * Internet -- past, present, & future * On-line internet demonstration * Knowledge based network managers and trouble advisors * Advanced communication services and multimedia applications * Future directions Lecturer: Dick Simmons is a Professor of Computer Science and co-director of the Cognitive Systems Laboratory at Texas A&M University. His current research interests are software engineering, diagnosing and managing computer networks, software models and metrics, cognitive systems, and knowledge based systems. He was a president of the IEEE Computer Society, the Amdahl Users Group, and the Data General Users Group. He was a technical supervisor for Bell Telephone Laboratories. He directed the Texas A&M University statewide computer network and responsible for a number of R&D projects, including a project supported by the State of Texas and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to build a distributed network advisor to diagnose network problems within a private network that spans five southwestern states. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer and information sciences from the University of Pennsylvania. Conference Tracks +------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Tracks | Sessions | +------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ |ET:Emerging Software Technology | 2,6,9,10,14,18,22,26,30 | |MD:Multimedia and Database Software | 3,7,11,15,19,23,31 | | Applications | | |OO:Object-oriented Software Development | 4,8,16,28 | |SE:Software Engineering Process | 1,5,13,17,21,25,29 | | & Management | | |TS:Telecommunications Software | 12,20,24,27,32 | | & Applications | | +------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ Conference Technical Program +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1996, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm | | Pre-Conference Reception | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1996, 9:00 am - 10:00 am | | Opening Session | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Welcome: Gil Chang Kim, Conference Chair Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea Additional Greetings: Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA COMPSAC Standing Committee Chair Program Overview: Carl K. Chang, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, USA Sukho Lee, Seoul National University, Korea Program Co-Chairs Keynote Address: "Information Technology and GII Visions" Dr. Jung Uck Seo, President Korea Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Korea +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1996, 10:30 am - 12:00 noon | | Four Parallel Sessions | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session 1. Processes Supporting Software Development Chair: Robert Lai, International Software Process Constellation, USA "A Software Process Management System Considering Workers' Workload" Atsuo Hazeyama and Seiichi Komiya, NEC, Japan "Software Cost Option Strategy Tool (S-COST)" Barry W. Boehm and Hoh In, University of Southern California, USA "Process Model Reuse to Promote Organizational Learning in Software Development" Ernst Ellmer, Dieter Merkl,Universitat Wien, Gerald Quirchmayr and Min Tjoa, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 2. Parallelism in Petri Net Chair: T.H. Tse, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong "A Colored Petri Net-Based Formal Method for the Design of Control Systems" Richard St-Denis, M. Makungu and M. Barbeau, Universite de Sherbrooke, Canada "Verifying Timing Properties for Distributed Real-Time Systems Using Timing Constraint Petri Nets" Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, Steve J.H. Yang and Eric Y.T. Juan, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA === R in Korea "Extracting Parallelism in Nested Loops" W.B. Song, Yong-Hae Kong, Inchon Junior College, D.S. Park, Soonchunhyang University, B.S. Kim, Kyunyang University, Korea _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 3. Multimedia Environment & Applications Chair: Pallavi Shah, Sun Microsystems, USA "Coordination of Systems with Real-Time Properties in Manifold" George A. Papadopoulos , University of Cyprus, Cyprus, Farhad Arbab, CWI, Netherlands "SESAME: A Scalable and Extensible Architecture for Multimedia Entertainment" Yen-Jen Lee, David H.C. Du and Wei-hsiu Ma, University of Minnesota, USA "A Popularity-based Data Allocation Scheme for a Cluster-based VOD Server" Carl K. Chang, Chiao-Chuan Shih, Thinh T. Nguyen, University of Illinois at Chicago, Pattanasak Mongkolwat, Illinois Istitute of Technology, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 4. Object-oriented Technology (1) Chair: Shinichi Honiden, Toshiba Corp., Japan "Mapping Petri Nets To Parallel Programs in CC++" Xudong He and Weili Yao, North Dakota State University, USA "Integrating Parallel Functions into the Manipulation for Distributed Persistent Objects" Yan Jiang Kurashiki University of Science and Arts, Masayoshi Aritsugi and Akifumi Makinouchi, Kyushu University, Japan === R in Korea "A Semantics of the Separation of Interface and Implementation in C++" Eun-Sun Cho ,Sang-Yong Han and Hyoung-Joo Kim, Seoul Natonal University, Korea +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. Lunch Break +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1996, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm | | Four Parallel Sessions | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session 5. Metrics in Software Development Chair: Doo-Hwan Bae, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea "Design Level Cohesion Measures: Derivation, Comparison, and Applications" Byung-Kyoo Kang and James Bieman, Colorado State University, USA "Data Models for Metrics-Based Project Management Systems" Chye Lin Chee, T. Kunii, R. Paul and Y. Shinagawa, National University of Singapore, Singapore "Heuristics for Computing Attribute Values of C++ Program Complexity Metrics" Eun Mi Kim, Shinji Kusumoto and Tohru Kikuno, Osaka University, Japan, Ok Bae Chang, Chonbuk National University, Korea "Object-Oriented Framework for Metrics Guided Risk Management" Ray Paul, The Pentagon, Y. Shinagawa, Young Francis Day, M. F. Khan, A. Khan and Arif Ghafoor, Purdue University, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 6. Security & Compilation Chair: Sourav Bhattacharya, Arizona State Univ., USA "Applying Composable Security Properties to Assessment of Information Systems" Qi Shi, Liverpool John Moores University, UK "Program partitioning optimizations in an HPF prototype compiler" Makoto Sato, Takashi Hirooka and Kiyomi Wada, Hitachi, Fujio Yamamoto, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan "A task-based approach to verifying conceptual models" Jonathan Lee ,Lein F. Lai, Wei T. Huang, National Central University, ROC === R in Korea "Compilation of Disjunctive Logic Programs using an Extended WAM" Dongha Shin, ETRI, Korea, Michael L. Hilton, University of South Carolina, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 7. Panel: Multimedia on the Internet: Emerging Technology Chair: Yahya Al-Salqan, West Virginia University, USA Panelists: James Van Loo, Sun Microsystems, USA Charles Perkins, IBM T.J. Watson Research, USA Pallavi Shah, Sun Microsystems, USA Radhakrishna Pillai, National University of Singapore, Singapore _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 8. Panel: Is OO working as promised? Chair: Annie Combelles, Objectif Technologie, France Panelists: David Kung, University of Texas at Arlington, USA Sahng-Mann Han, Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd., Korea Paosheng E. Chang, Honeywell Inc., USA John Barrie Thompson, University of Sunderland, UK +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Break +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1996, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | | | | Four Parallel Sessions | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session 9. Panel: Software Industry in Asia Chair: Heung-Soon Ihm, Hyundai Electronics, Korea Panelists: Jyh-Sheng Ke, Institute for Information Industry, ROC Kinji Mori, Systems Development Lab, Hitachi Ltd., Japan Chye Lin Chee, National University of Singapore, Singapore Taik-Ho Kim, Korea Software Industry Association, Korea _____________________________________________________________________________ Session 10. Potpouri Chair: Albert Hawkes, CMT Inc., USA "Business Rule Extraction from Legacy Code" H. Huang, W.T. Tsai, X. P. Chen, Y. Wang and J. Sun, University of Minnesota, S. Bhattacharya, Honeywell , USA "Sharing the design information in a distributed concurrent development of large-scale software systems" Mikio Aoyama, Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan "Real-Time Simulation Techniques Based on the RTO.k Object Modeling" K. H. Kim, University of California-Irvine, William McCoy and Cuong Nguyen, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA, Chanmo Park, Postech, Korea "Scheduling Algorithms for N-Version Programming Scheme" O. A. Abulnaja ,S. H. Hosseini and K. Vairavan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 11. Distributed DB Application Tools Chair: K.C. Kang, Pohang Institute of Science & Technology, Korea === R in Korea "Decentralized Transaction Management in Multidatabase Systems" Buhyum Hwand, Chonnam National University, Sang H. Son, University of Virginia, USA === R in Korea "Classification of Weak Correctness Criteria for Real-Time Database Applications" Kyuwoong Lee and Seog Park, Sogang University, Korea "Hierarchical Program Diagram Editor Based on Attribute Graph Grammar' Yoshihiro Adachi, Kensei Tsuchida, Toyo University, Koushi Anzai, Kanto Gakuen University, Takeo Yaku, Nihon University, Japan "On Integrating Existing Bibliographic Databases and Structured Databases" Ying Lu and Ee-Peng Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 12. Panel: Would Internet meet global expectation? Chair: Shigeki Goto, Waseda University, Japan Panelists: Kilnam Chon, KAIST, Korea Tin Wee Tan, National University of Singapore Roland T. Chin, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Shin Miyakawa, NTT, Japan +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Conference Reception +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1995, 9:00 am - 10:00 am | | Plenary Session | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Chair: Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA Keynote Address: "Technological Innovations Leading to Change in the Social Syst em" Dr. Yasutsugu Takeda Senior Executive Managing Director Hitachi, Ltd. Japan +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1996, 10:30 am - 12:00 noon | | Four Parallel Sessions | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session 13. Formal Approaches in Software Development Chair: Young-Chul Shim, Hongik University, Korea "Algebraic Software Testing in Vector Spaces of Functions" Thomas R. Cain and E. K. Park, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA "Incremental Elicitation and Formalization of User Requirements through Rapid Prototyping via Software Transformations" Chia-Chu Chiang and Joseph E. Urban, Arizona State University, USA "Slicing Functional Components from Data-Intensive Business Programs" Hee Beng Kuan Tan and Tok Wang Ling, National University of Singapore, Singapore "Extending Statecharts with Duration" Karl R. P. H. Leung, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, Daniel K. C. Chan, Glasgow University, UK _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 14. Formal Networks Chair: Yaw-Chung Chen, National Chiao Tung University, ROC "Extending Z with State Transition Constraints" Kenji Taguchi and Keijiro Araki, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan "Consistency Checking between Data and Process Diagrams based on Formal Methods" Syouri Kouno, Han-Myung Chang and Keijiro Araki, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan === R in Korea "A Dynamic Indexing Structure for Searching Time-Series Patterns" Young In Kim, Youngbae Park and Jonghoon Chun, Nyung Ji University, Korea === R in Korea "A fuzzy association algebra based on a fuzzy object oriented data model" Selee Na, Hanyang Women's Junior College, Seog Park, Sogang University, Korea _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 15. Multimedia Database Chair: Francis Quek, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, USA === R in Korea "A Presentation Scheduling Scheme for Multimedia Databases" Jisook Park, Sukho Lee and Jaehyuk Cha, Seoul National University, Yunmook Nah, Dankuk University, Korea "Integration of a Relational Database with Multimedia Data" Soon M. Chung and Peong S. Mah, Wright State University, USA, Jungkuk L. Kim, Hyundai, Korea === R in Korea "VIRON: An Annotation-Based Video Information Retrieval" Ki-Wook Kim, Ki-Byoung Kim and Hyoung-Joo Kim, Seoul National University, Korea _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 16. Object-oriented Technology (2) Chair: Feng-Jian Wang, National Chiao-Tung University, ROC "Modeling Active Object-Oriented Database Applications using Multi-level Diagrams" M.J.V. Silva and C.R. Carlson, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA "Static Slicing of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs" Jianjun Zhao, Jingde Cheng and Kazuo Ushijima, Kyushu University, Japan "A History-Based Approach for Early Faulty Sate Detection" Xiaolin Li, David C. Kung and Pei Hsia, University of Texas at Arlington, USA +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. Lunch Break +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1996, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm | | Four Parallel Sessions | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session 17. Software Integration Chair: Soo Dong Kim, Soongsil University, Korea "Integration issues in information system reengineering" William Wei Song, SISU, Sweden "Integrating through user interface: A flexible integration framework for third party software" Yimin Bao and Ellis Horowitz, University of Southern California, USA "A Formal Method to Software Integration in Reuse" William C. Chu, Feng Chia University, ROC, Hongji Yang, De Montfort University, UK _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 18. Panel: The Role of Architecture in the Development of Software Systems Chair: Maarten Bosson, Hollandse Signaalapparaten BV, The Netherlands Panelists: Robert Lai, International Software Process Constellation, USA Mehmet Aksit, Twente University, The Netherlands Jeffrey Tsai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 19. Object-oriented Database Chair: Robert Thomys, Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), Germany === R in Korea "SOPView: A Visual Query and Object Browsing Environment for SOP OODBMS" Seong-Woo Chang, Sukho Lee and Hyoung-Joo Kim, Seoul National University, Korea "Making OODB Into Behavioral Temporal DB" Gwo-Dong Chen, Ping_Kuen Chen and Yeong-Hsen Lee, National Central University, ROC "Consolidation of Query Results in a Multidatabase Environment: An Object- Oriented Approach" Susan D. Urban and Daniel J. Callen, Arizona State University, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 20. Panel: Which Network Will Win? Chair: Dick Simmons, Texas A & M University , USA Panelists: J.P. Hong, Hyundai Electronics Industries Co, Ltd. Korea Sourav Bhattacharya, Arizona State University, USA Arif Ghafoor, Purdue Univerisity, USA Yong (John) Liu, Motorola (China) Electronics, Ltd., USA +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Break +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1996, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | | Four Parallel Sessions | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session 21. Software Development and Education Models Chair: Ifay Chang, Polytechnic University, USA "An experience report on architecture development" Hanan Lutfiyya and Michael A. Bauer, University of Western Ontario, Canada "Software Engineering Education and Research: The Infosys Model" V. P. Kochikar and S. Yegneshwar, Infosys Technologies Limited, India "A Component-Based Software Development Model" Jim Q. Ning, Anderson Consulting, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 22. Panel: High Assurance Systems Engineering Chair: Raymond A. Paul, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, USA Panelists: C. V. Ramamoorthy, University of California, USA Arif Ghafoor, Purdue University, USA Jeffrey Tsai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Sourav Bhattacharya, Arizona State University, USA Kenneth Shere, The Aerospace Corporation, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 23. Database Theory Chair: T. Ming Jiang, Univ. of Alaska, USA "A New Signature Scheme for Query Processing in Object-Oriented Database" Hakgene Shin and Jaewoo Chang, Chonbuk National University, Korea "Optimal Linear Hashing Files for Orthogonal Range Retrieval" C. Y. Chen, Feng Chia University, C. C. Chang and D. C. Lin, National Chung Cheng University, R. C. T. Lee, Providence University, ROC === R in Korea "A Logic Database System with Extended Functionality" Sang-goo Lee, Seoul National University, Dang-Hoon Choi, Dongduk Women's University, Sang-Ho Lee, Soongsil University, Korea "A Representation Method of Time-Varying Characteristics of Entity on the Basis of Core-Surface Concept" Taketoshi Ushiama and Toyohide Watanabe, Nagoya University, Japan _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 24. Panel: Emerging Technology for Network Software Development Chair: Jack Wang, Lucent Technologies, USA Panelists: Jong Kyu Bahn, Sun Microsystems, Korea Pallavi Shah, Sun Microsystems, USA Tomohiro Fujisaki, NTT, Japan +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1996, 9:00 am - 10:00 noon | | Plenary Session | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Chair: Carl K. Chang, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Keynote Address: "Revolutionalizing Software Development" Dr. Robert L. Martin Technology Officer Lucent Technologies USA +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m Break +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1996, 10:30 am - 12:00 noon | | Four Parallel Sessions | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session 25. Panel: Software Process Re-engineering & Improvement Chair: Mikio Aoyama, Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan Panelists: Michael D. Konrad, Software Engineering Institute, USA Annie Combelles, Objectif Technologie, France Robert Lai, Int'l Software Process Constellation, USA Poh-Yee Wong, Information Technology Institute, Singapore _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 26. Testing & Debugging Chair: Yue-Sun Kuo, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, ROC "A Tool for Debugging OSF DCE Applications" David J. Taylor, Thomas Kunz and James P. Black, University of Waterloo, Canada === R in Korea "Applying Conventional Testing Techniques for Class Testing" Author(s): In S. Chung, Hallym University, Korea, Malcom Munro, University of Durham, UK, W.K. Lee and Y.R. Kwon, KAIST, Korea === R in Korea "Estimating Uncaught Exceptions in Standard ML Programs from Type-based Equations" Kwangkeun Yi, Sukyoung Ryu and Ki-Hyun Pyun, KAIST, Korea "Detection of infeasible paths using Presburger arithmetic" Kuniaki Naoi and Naohisa Takahashi, NTT, Japan _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 27. Network-Software Engieering Chair: Seung-Min Yang, Soongsil University, Korea "Mobile-IP, Ad-hoc Networking, and Nomadicity" Charles E. Perkins, IBM, USA === R in Korea "The Design and Verification of Services Feature Interaction Manager on AIN Using Z Schema" Myeongho Kang, Taekyoung Kwon, Changyong Yang and Jooseok Song, Yensei University, Korea "Hardware/Software Partitioning for Telecommunications Systems" Frederic Rousseau and M. Israel, LaMI Universite d'Evry, J-M. Berge, France Telecom, France _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 28. Object-oriented Applications Chair: Jyh-Sheng Ke, Institute for Information Industry, ROC "Object-oriented Conceptual Modeling and Verification of Real Time Systems' David C. Kung and J. Lin, University of Texas at Arlington, Scott R. Oksanen, E-Systems, Inc., USA === R in Korea "OOHS: An Object-Oriented Hypermedia System" Hyunki Kim, Hakgene Shin and JaeWoo Chang, Chunbuk National University, Korea "An Integrated Tool Set for Object-Oriented Analysis of Application Software" Stephen S. Yau and Jun Wang, Arizona State University, USA +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. Lunch Break +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1996, 2:00 pm - 3:30 am | | Four Parallel Sessions | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session 29. Software Design and Analysis Methods Chair: Kanchit Malaivougs, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand "Modeling Software Development in PowerEpsilon" Ming-Yuan Zhu, Beijing Institute of Systems Engineering, PRC === R in Korea "Use Case Driven Structured Analysis" Misbah Mirza, Seunghoon Cha, Jae-Il Jung and Cheong Youn, Chungnam National University, Korea "Opusdei: Integrated Environment for Software Development and Maintenance" A. K. Onoma, Hiroshi Suganuma and Tsutomu Syoumura, Hitachi, Japan, Mustafa Poonawala, Satish Subramanian, Wei-Tek Tsai, University of Minnesota, USA "Measuring the Structural Complexity of OPS5 Rule-Based Programs" Albert Mo Kim Cheng, University of Huston, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 30. Panel:Software Education in the Asia-Pacific Region in the 21st Century Chair: Joseph Urban, Arizona State University, USA Panelists: Chi Tat Chong, National University of Singapore, Singapore Roland Chin, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong Wen Tsuen Chen, National Tsing Hua University, ROC Masao Matsumoto, University of Tsubuka, Japan _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 31. Client/Server & Video Processing Chair: J. Smith, Defense Information System Agency (DISA), USA "Performance Evaluation of The OLVP (On-Line Video Processing) System" Frederic Andres, Jihad Boulos and Kinji Ono, NACSIS, Yasuhiko Yasuda and Keigo Ihara, Waseda University, Japan "Evaluation of a Client Server Application Platform : VGUIDE" S. Yamamoto, R. Kawasaki and M. Nagaoka, NTT, Japan === R in Korea "Recovery Technique Based on Fuzzy Checkpoint in a Client/Server Database System" Eui-In Choi, Hannam University, Hae-Chull Lim, Hongik University, Korea "A Language for Developing Collaborative Learning Activities on World Wide Web" Gwo-Dong Chen and Chih-Kai Chang, Baw-Jhing Liu, Kou-Liang Ou, National Central University, ROC _______________________________________________________________________________ Session 32. Panel: Lessons learned and future direction of Information Superhighway Chair: Jane S. Patterson, State of North Carolina, USA Panelists: Peggy Manring, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, USA David Kirby, Duke University, USA +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Break +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1996, 4:00 pm - 5:00 am | | Closing Session | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Closing Session. "The Trends of Software Technology and Applications" Chair: Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA Panelists: Carl K. Chang, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Kane Kim, University of California - Irvine, USA Annie Combelles, Objectif Technologie, France Iwao Toda, Fujitsu Limited, Japan J. C. Yoon, Samsung Data Systems, Korea +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | COMPSAC'96 COMMITTEES | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ STANDING COMMITTEE Stephen S. Yau, Chair Arizona State Univ., USA CONFERENCE CHAIR Gil Chang Kim, KAIST, KOREA PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Carl K. Chang Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, USA Sukho Lee Seoul National Univ., Korea PROGRAM VICE CHAIRS Yahya Al-Salqan Sun Microsystems, USA Mikio Aoyama Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan Annie Kuntzmann-Combelles Objectif Technologie, France William W. Everett Software Process & Reliability Engineering, USA Yong Rae Kwon KAIST, Korea Raymond A. Paul Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (A&T), USA Poh-Yee Wong Information Technology Institute, Singapore PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBERS Takashi Arano, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Corp., Japan Keijiro Araki, Kyushu Univ., Japan M. A. Bauer, Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada Maarten Boasson, Hollandse Signaalapparaten, Netherlands Doris L. Carver, Louisiana State Univ., USA Joe Cavano, Rome Laboratory, USA Deborah A. Cerino, Rome Laboratory, USA Paosheng E. Chang, Honeywell Inc., USA Yaw-Chung Chen, National Chiao Tung Univ., ROC Mark Christensen, Northrop Corporation, USA Harald Gall, Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria Arif Ghafoor, Purdue Univ., USA Albert K Hawkes, CMT Inc., USA Xudong He, North Dakota State Univ., USA Shinichi Honiden, Toshiba Corp., Japan Heung Soon Ihm, Hyundai Electronics, Korea T. Ming Jiang, Univ. of Alaska, USA K. C. Kang, Pohang Institute of Science & Technology, Korea Jyh-Sheng Ke, Institute for Information Industry, ROC Junguk Kim, Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd., Korea Kane Kim, Univ. of California, USA Tomoji Kishi, NEC Corporation, Japan Rene Kloesch, Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria Yue-Sun Kuo, Academia Sinica, ROC Robert Lai, International Software Process Constellation, USA Dan-Hyung Lee, SERI, Korea Yao-Nan Lien, National Chengchi Univ. ROC Luqi, Naval Postgraduate School, USA Kanchit Malaivongs, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand Masao J. Matsumoto, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan Kinji Mori, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan Kiyoh Nakamura, Fujitsu, Ltd., Japan Chrystopher Nehaniv, Univ. of Aizu, Japan Jim Q. Ning, Andersen Consulting, USA Francis Quek, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, USA Robert Reynolds, Wayne State Univ., USA Dick B. Simmons, Texas A & M Univ., USA Min Soo Suk, LG Electronics Research Center, Korea John Barrie Thompson, Univ. of Sunderland, UK Robert Thomys, BSI, Germany Jeffrey Tsai, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, USA Wei Tek Tsai, Univ. of Minnesota, USA T. H. Tse, M.B.E., Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Susan D. Urban, Arizona State Univ., USA Subbarayan Venkatesan, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA Benjamin W. Wah, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, USA Feng-Jian Wang, National Chiao Tung Univ., ROC Tse L Wang, AT&T Bell Lab, USA Hongji Yang, De Montfort Univ., UK Seung-Min Yang, Soongsil Univ., Korea Ming-Yuan Zhu, Beijing Institute of Systems Engineering, PRC OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Jung W. Cho, Chair Center for AI Research, KAIST, Korea ============================================================================= COMPSAC'96 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM For authors and program participants outside Korea, send the completed registration form with registration fee (and extra page charge, if any) in US dollars to Sourav Bhattacharya COMPSAC 96 Registration Co-Chair Computer Science and Engineering Department Arizona State University Box 875406 Tyler Mall, GWC 206 Tempe, AZ 85287-5406 USA Telephone No: 1-602-965-5190 FAX No: 1-602-965-2751 E-mail: sourav@asu.edu For authors and program participants inside Korea, send the completed registration form with registration fee (and extra page charge, if any) in Korean wons (at the rate of 800 wons for one US dollar) to Hyun Soo Yoon COMPSAC 96 Registration Co-Chair Department of Computer Science, KAIST 373-1 Kusung-dong, Yusung-ku Taejon, Korea 305-701 Telephone: 82-42-869-3529 FAX: 82-42-869-8700 e-mail: hyoon@cs.kaist.ac.kr REGISTRATION FEES ADVANCE LATE (Received by July 31, 1996) (After July 31, 1996) MEMBERSHIP CLASS IEEE NONMEMBER STUDENT IEEE NONMEMBER STUDENT ________________________________________________________________________________ COMPSAC'96 ONLY $350 $460 $125 $420 $525 $160 W280,000 W360,000 W100,000 W330,000 W410,000 W130,000 COMPSAC + 1 SEM $475 $610 $190 $610 $775 $260 W380,000 W480,000 W150,000 W480,000 W610,000 W210,000 COMPSAC + 2 SEMS $600 $760 $255 $800 $1025 $360 W480,000 W600,000 W200,000 W630,000 W810,000 W290,000 EACH SEMINAR $125 $150 $65 $190 $250 $100 W100,000 W120,000 W50,000 W150,000 W200,000 W80,000 ***CIRCLE APPROPRIATE ENTRY ABOVE*** Check choice(s) of seminars Note that although the chance for a selected seminar being cancelled is extremely small, in case a selected seminar is cancelled, an alternative seminar should be selected. MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1996 9:00am - 5:00pm [ ] S-1 Develop Internet Software Applications Using JAVA Robert C. Lai, International Software Process Constellation [ ] S-2 Distributed Multimedia Information Systems Arif Ghafoor, Purdue University, USA TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1996 9:00am - 5:00pm [ ] S-3 Management Approaches to Building Quality Complex Systems Kenneth D. Shere, The Aerospace Corporation, USA [ ] S-4 Computer Networks and Information Infrastructures Dick B. Simmons, Texas A & M University, USA Check enclosed for $_________for registration fee (must drawn from a US bank in US dollars) or charge $__________ to the credit card [ ] MasterCard or [ ] Visa. Name on Card__________________________________________________________ Card Number__________________________________Exp. Date________________ Signature_____________________________________________________________ Students must be IEEE Student Members and must submit a photocopy of their 1996 membership card with mailed registration form and fee. To register at the conference, students must present their membership card at the registration desk. A photocopy of 1996 IEEE membership card or IEEE Computer Society Affiliate membership card is required with mailed registration form and fee. To register at the conference, a proper 1996 IEEE membership card must be presented at the registration desk in order to register for IEEE Member fee. PLEASE PRINT Last Name___________________________First Name________________________ Affiliation __________________________________________________________ Internal Address______________________________________________________ Street Address________________________________________________________ City/State or Province/Zip Code_______________________________________ Country_______________________IEEE Membership No._____________________ Phone: (_____)____________________, FAX: (_____)_____________________ E-mail address (if available):________________________________________ NOTES 1. Requests for refunds (less $50 handling charges) must be received in writing by July 31, 1996 2. Seminar registration fee includes printed material covering the seminar, luncheon and coffee breaks for the day of the seminars. 3. COMPSAC registration fee includes a copy of the proceedings, two complimentary beverage tickets for the reception on Tuesday evening and a hosted Wednesday evening reception. (Student registration does not include the receptions.) 4. The conference registration desk will maintain the following schedule: Mon - Thur, August 19-22, 1996, 8:20 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Fri, August 23, 1996, 8:40 a.m. - 2:00 noon. On Tuesday, evening registration will be at the pre-conference reception. 5. Groups of six or more from the same organization may receive discounted registration fee. For further information, consult with the Registration Co-Chairs. ________________________________________________________________________________ COMPSAC'96 HOTEL RESERVATION FORM Information on Travel Agent: Hanjin Travel 132-4, Bongrae-dong 1-ka, Chung-ku Seoul, Korea Telephone: 82-2-726-5541, 5542 or 5543 FAX: 82-2-773-1623 Information on Hotel Room Rate (hotel reservation must be made with the official travel agency). Sheraton Walker-Hill (Conference hotel) W120,000 per day Dong Seoul Tourist Hotel W75,000 per day. Hankang Tourist Hotel W55,000 per day. * The current exchange rate is approximately W800 for one US dollar. * These rates include 10% tax and 10% service charge. Information on Social Activities: * Welcome reception: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., August 20, 1996. * Opening reception: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., August 21. * Banquet: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., August 22. Room rates subject to sales tax and occupancy tax. Arrival Date___________________________Time__________________________ Departure Date_________________________Time___________________________ Single____Double____ Mr/Mrs/Ms_____________________________________________________________ Firm Name_____________________________________________________________ Street Number_________________________________________________________ City__________________________State____________Zip____________________ FAX Number_________________________Phone Number_______________________ Major Credit Card Name________________________________________________ Card No._____________________________Exp. Date________________________ Name Embossed on Card_________________________________________________ Signature_____________________________________________________________ COMPSAC96 Operations Committee Chair 조 정 완 올림 |