[ Japan ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): Dunks (SolidState) 날 짜 (Date): 1998년 6월 7일 일요일 오후 06시 09분 08초 제 목(Title): Re: '재일' 이라는 영화를 보다. soemthing is wrong with this terminal. I cannot type in Korean sorry.. ( or am i supposed to type in japanese ? ) I am sitting in the NETSGO sevice center, Kangnam Seoul. Using internet is free here , cool! I landed at Kimpo last Friday and I am enjoying pretty much here..hehe.. By the way, the ticket price for movies are usually around 1,800 YEN which is equivalent to 18,000 korean Won. Too high, isn't it ? But if you think about the skyrocketting Japanese price for living, that sounds reasonable. I saw "jacky Brown" at a theatre in Shinjuku one week ago.. how boring film !! I had to see "Deep Impact" Other theater next to that was showing "Alien 4" -_-;;, which I saw last winter in Seoul. I think in Japan, the video culture is very well developed. Everybody has nice, big AV system at home ( the state of art electronic goods..high tech.. you know ) and the rental shops which can be found everywhere has almost all kinds ( jenre's ) of movie from x-rated to old. It seems that to Japanese young generation, going for movie is the last resort since there are so many places they can go and kill time ( maybe love hotel ? ). bye.. ( I bought 7 Korean pop CD's..each one costs 1/3 of Japanese CD :) ) |