[ Iam ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): hwy (WooYangHeo) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년01월05일(수) 14시29분29초 KST 제 목(Title): kids를 사용하시는 모든 분께........ I am an engineer who works for S.A.I.T. , which is the central research senter of SAMSUNG GROUP. SINCE I am not used to using vi mode. So , I can't introduce myself in detail. I only want to say to you,all of you who read this article, I 'd like to corRes- pond with any one who have time to have a chat with me. Let me introduce myself. I am 28 years old in Korean way of counting. and 26 in western way. I am single, this is the most important thing that I want to say. duce them to me.............. . Thanks for your attention ............ I want you to remember me......... and ....... to get through with me.......... :q! :wq :w! :Q! :ZZ :Z :WQ D I want to have a girl friend. Some who have many girl colleagues, please introducc hat xpress modify the yds |