[ HangulKorean ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (help~~ ) <sparky.ic.sunys> 날 짜 (Date): 1998년 9월 18일 금요일 오전 05시 26분 35초 제 목(Title): [Q] How to use HANGUL in UNIX account?? i hi, I'm Korean student in USA. I want to use - read and right - HANGUL in my UNIX account but I don't know how to do. As far as I know, Hangul emulator, like HanTerm makes it possible to use in UNIX but I cannot find some detail instructions..-_-;; Is anybody who teach you about this or teach where I can get the imformations I look for ?? Please do me a favor!! You can answer me with HANGUL cause I can read HANGUL WWW by webbrowser. Thanks in Advance!! P.S. : I'm almost novice level in UNIX. Please consoder!! |