[ HangulKorean ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (fddf) 날 짜 (Date): 1997년08월04일(월) 15시24분10초 KDT 제 목(Title): Re: Help me! I'd like to use Hangul!! Although I am also a novice in computer, let me inform you how to see hangul in your computer as much as I know. In general, there are two hangul managing software: iyagi and hanterm. While the former runs based on unix perating system, the latter runs on a personal computer. o if you want to use hangul on a unix computer( conventionally most of computer managed in university is operated on unix ystem. It requires login name and password.) you have to install "hanterm". Otherwise you better install "iyagi" on your PC. hese two programs are available from several ftp cites. Some of them is "cair-archive.kaist.ac.kr" and "kids.kotel.co.kr". Once you download "hanterm", you have to resolve the archived ile which is a kind of compressed version. To decompress file, use "dzip -d filename" and "tar xvfp filename.tar" You better ask how to decompress to your friends. If you downloaded "iyagi", use "pkunzip" or other decompressing PC based software to resolve it. Now what you have to do is straightforward because you can see a file named "README" and all next procedure is written in the file in detail. |