글 쓴 이(By): werner (신정식) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년05월05일(수) 06시33분47초 KST 제 목(Title): Thanks,Hyunsong Hi, Hyunsong! Thanks a lot for your reply. I know there's NCSA Telnet for Mac as I use it everyday. :-) Question was whether there's Hangul patched NCSA Telnet and your answer was positive. That's good news. Could you please upload Hangul patched NCSA Telnet to one of archives in Korea such as kum.kaist.ac.kr or cair.kaist.ac.kr. if there's no problem with copy-right. BTW, did you ever try running it under English Mac OS (system 7.1) and World Script II for Korean? I don't have Hangul Talk. Actually, neither do I have my Mac. I can test it myself if you upload it to archives. Once again, I'm grateful for your prompt reply. werner(Jungshik) P.S. What's the address of your Mac connected to Internet? It's almost impossible to figure out which host belong to which department after 'STUPID' mix-up of all hosts in dept. other than CS&EE into last fall. You seem to be able to connect directly to KIDS from your Mac. Did you install mail and Newswatcher on your Mac? I sent an e-mail with the same question to your advisor's account at kit.kaist.ac.kr and you haven't logged onto it since last saturday,have you? Anyway, let me know your address at your Mac by sending e-mail from your Mac to me at jshin@minerva.cis.yale.edu. |