From : ymin (Young-Gie Min) Date : Fri May 29 15:14:33 1992 Subject: Right Answer Three nuns die and go to Heaven. St. Peter is at the Pearly Gates, and he looks them up in his book, finds good reports, and is going to let them in, if they can answer a short little quiz. He explains to them, "If you get the answer right, this little light above you will light up and go *ding* and you can walk right in." So he asks the first nun, "What was the name of the first man?" "Adam," she replies. *Ding!* and she walks right in. St. Pete asks the second nun, "What was the name of the first woman?" "Eve," she replies. *Ding!* and the second nun walks right in. Then St. Pete asks the third nun, "What were the first words Eve said to Adam?" The third nun look puzzled, and thought and thought, and muttered to herself, "My, that's a hard one!" *Ding!* |