From : ymin (Young-Gie Min) Date : Fri May 22 12:49:01 1992 Subject: George & Danny <from Quartz> ------------------------------------------- Seems George Bush was looking for a test of Dan Quayle's abilities as running mate. So he goes to Mikhail Gorbachev and asks him what he should do. Mikhail tells him to ask Quayle "Who is your father's son who is not your brother?" Seems he had asked that of Boris Yeltsin and Yeltsin had answered "Why me of course", which is why he is now the President of the Russian Republic or whatever. So anyway, ol' George heads back to the US and asks Danny the question. Danny asks Bush to give him a day to think it over and then leaves. He goes to talk to his friend Dick Cheney to ask him the answer. He asks Cheney, "Who is your father's son who is not your brother?" And Cheney answers "Why me of course" so Quayle is very happy to get the answer. So he goes back to Bush the next day and says "I think I have an answer." And Bush says, "OK, who is your father's son who is not your brother?" And Dan Quayle says "WHY, DICK CHENEY, OF COURSE!!!" And Bush says, "No, it's Boris Yeltsin!" |