From : LaST (아침 하늘) Date : Fri May 8 23:07:37 1992 Subject: Ghost e-mail Received the following ghost e-mail last night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message 3/10 From devil May 7 '92 at 11:30 pm cdt Return-Path: <devil> Date: Thu, 7 May 92 23:30:24 CDT You are doing to many harm to most peoples So I'll kill Ya within 10days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apprently the sender's address is a fake one coz there is no user named "devil" on any of my dept machines and got "user unknown" error msg when replied it. In any case, reported this instance to ssg (system support group) and they investigated and found out it was originated from Unfortunately can't finger that machine, so have no idea whether there is really such a user on that machine or not. Still hard to believe that he (or she) did this intentionally. More or less, might be a broken mail system or something like that. This is obvious violation to the state's ethic of code saying "one shall not use any forms of mail (including e-mail) to threaten others (esp. such INNOCENT one like me.. hehe :-))". My guess is that this is also against the Fifth Amendment. In any case, JaSuHaeSeo KwangMyeong ChassJa!!!! <--- romanized hangul Have someone in mind though can't say it in public. JaSuHaeYo BBOOK! -Lst with BIG smile :D PS. BTW, is this any fun???? Am posting it on the right bulletin???? Who cares anyway! |