From : baram (baram) Date : Sat Jun 27 07:31:29 1992 Subject: Synagogue Questionaire --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Synagogue Questionaire Summary: funny Organization: LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France (for explanations see below) (교회에서 어떤 자리에 앉을 것인가에 대한 설문 조사) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please respond to the questionaire below BEFORE PASSOVER During the holidays last Tichri, we received remarks and suggestions from several people concerning the reservation of seats in the synagogue. In order to propose the seat which best suits you, we ask you to fill out the questionaire below, and return to the office of the synagogue as soon as possible. I would like a seat near someone who likes to discuss the following subjects: [ ] Stock Market [ ] Members of my family [ ] Sports [ ] Food and Drink [ ] Fashions [ ] The Rabbi [ ] Jokes [ ] The Hazan [ ] My neighbors [ ] Other: ___________ I would like a seat from which [ ] I can see my wife through the mehitza [ ] I can not see my wife [ ] I can see the wife of my friend [ ] my wife can not see me watching the wife of my friend [ ] nobody on the bima can see me speaking during the service [ ] I can sleep during the prayers [ ] I can sleep during the discourse of the Rabbi (extra charge) I would like a seat reserved near one of the specialists indicated below in order to obtain some free professional consultations: [ ] lawyer [ ] accountant [ ] doctor [ ] stock broker [ ] surgeon [ ] IRS agent [ ] sex therapist Under any circumstances, please do not place me near the following people: Signature: Last Name: First Name: Address: Telephone: ------------------------------------------ VOCABULARY: Tichri: Jewish month which includes the holiday Jewish new year, day of atonement, sukkot, simchat torah, ... Hazan: The leader of the prayers Mehitza: The barrier seperating men and women in traditional services Bima: Platform from which the torah is read SOURCE: Translated back and forth from French to English. Originally found in Community Bulliten, Palmersgreen & Southgate Synagogue, London N 14. ~ -baram |