[ FlagOfKids ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): pictor (홍헌수) 날 짜 (Date): 2000년 2월 21일 월요일 오후 04시 07분 37초 제 목(Title): n: Punk It started at Lucia: () () () () || || || || || || || || ||{{||}}||.|| ||{{||}}||}|| {.............} }}}}} _ _ {{{{{ }}}} 6 6 {{{{ {{{{{()__^__()}}}}} {{{{{{\ `._.' /}}}}}} {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' `""'"': :'"'"'` jgs/VK `@` () () () || || || () || || || // ||{{||}}||. // ||{{||}}||}// {.............} }}}}} _ _ {{{{{ }}}} O O {{{{ {{{{{ ^ }}}}} {{{{{{\ ----- /}}}}}} {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' `""'"': :'"'"'` jgs/VK `@` () () () || || || || || || ||{{||}}||. ||{{||}}||} {.............} }}}}} _ _ {{{{{ }}}} @ @ {{{{ ) {{{{{ ^ }}}})( {{{{{{\ <_> /}}}}( ) {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}) {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' `""'"': :'"'"'` ______() jgs/VK `@` ------' () () () || || || || || || ( ||{{||}}||. ( ) ) ||{{||}}||( ) )( {...........( )( ) }}}}} _ _ ( )( )( ) }}}} (@) (@) {( )( )( {{{{{ _^_ ( ( )( ) {{{{{{\ (___) /}( )( ) {{{{{{{;.___.;}( )( ) {{{{{{{) (}( )( )' `""'"': :'"'"'` ______() jgs/VK `@` ------' _.---._ / \ | | | _ _ | | o o | ( ^ ) \ - / `.___.' ) ( `""'"': :'"'"'` jgs/VK `@` -- here is a new look for Joan: | | _./ \._ / <.> \ | <.> | | _ _ | | o o | ( ^ ) \ - / `.___.' __ ) ( __ '| \" "/ |` jgs/VK | \ / | | | | \ / | | | \ | / . \ | / . `-.__|\/_\/|_.-' .__ \ / `./ `-</ \ ----<| _| _.-<| _ o( ' / (. > .-'`. ` - ' ` __.' _)___( // \\ jgs/VK | | | \ | | | \ ----------------------------------------------------- ___ !/\ gasp!! _/ | ---%^^^, And what do I see??? |_____| / \/ > Is that really you, Joan? --- == > [_____] __>,^ ejm97 | | //| | ___ _/ | ,^@@--- _ | |_____| __< \ \ / / \ \ / | --- == -- > \/\/ \_/ \/\/ . [_____] __>,^ ejm97 | | //| | Allright, Joan! But I see that Veronica forgot to add the nifty new jewellery and tattoo you got: | \ | / . \ | / . `-.__|\/_\/|_.-' .__ \ / `./ `-</ \ ----<| c_| _.-<| c_ o( ' / c(. @> .-'`. !! - ' ` ! __.' _)___( jgs/VK / ____ \ with | / _ \ \ further | |(\o/)| \ meddling | | /_\ | ) by ejm | | | / ----------------------------------------------------- This is **SO** me! I love it! You should see how I'll light up the 'do' for the holidays... a string of lights should wrap nicely around the spikes! Thank you ladies! :) -joan (I guess the Santa hat won't fit anymore...) ____ .'` `"-, .' `\ | /.-.---.-.---) joan stark spunk1111@juno.com \ (_._.__.__.__) )/{{ _ _ }}}} ASCII Art Gallery: (__) 6 6 {{{{ <http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/> {{{{{ ^ }}}}} {{{{{{\ '-=-' /}}}}}} {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' `""'"': :'"'"'` jgs `@` ------------------------------------------------------ Nonsense! It looks stunning with your spikes. ____ .' `"-, .'\ / `\ (.-\ /-.---) .__ (__.\ /.__.__) `-</ \( \ ----<| (__) c_| _.-<| c_ o( ' / c(. @> .-'`. !! - ' ` ! __.' _)___( jgs/VK / ____ \ with | / _ \ \ further | |(\o/)| \ meddling | | /_\ | ) by ejm | | | / _ @ \ / \ ,^^,mmm ha < \_ ^^%--- ha < __ \ ha ^^ \ / ejm97 / |