글 쓴 이(By): oracle (> Line man <) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년05월08일(토) 13시39분06초 KST 제 목(Title): GOOD AFTERNOON Hello? How are you, today? I'm Oracle, Inha_university student. I don't know why you write memo here. In my case, our school terminal doesn't like Han_gul, so I have to write all things to English..... (when I use KIDS) ************************************************************** Anyway I realize our Han_gul has some trouble to use with computers. I think it's because computer is from west. We must solve this problem, and make our own computer system(OS, WS, LAN etc) Anyway, as you know I have some trouble to read KIDS mail. I have no Personal computer in my house, and my terminal in school has some trouble. So I want to meet you in this area. HI..... Today is fine day, and also MOTHER's DAY. I think most of you have a good time with your family.. WOU!! HAve a nice weekend, new frinds!!! SEE you later!!! 5-8-93 Oracle |