글 쓴 이(By): csma (/cd) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년02월06일(토) 17시41분41초 KST 제 목(Title): Re: Hangul on MAC Hello Eum.... If you bought Mac in USA, then there are some problem in using HangulTalk. To use hangulTalk, you need Hangul-Key (Hardware protection key) made by Elex. But, without Hangul-key, you may install the HangulTalk except extended Hangul. then you will use Hangul except Few fonts. anyway, you must install HangulTalk, and you must get Terminal emulator application modified to use Korean language (ex. FrogTerm, modified ZTerm). Then you will be able to use Korean in your networking. p.s. software hangul-key is exist. I have one. but i can't distribute. (it is pirated version) I suggest you to buy HangulTalk. that is legal solution. But somewhat expensive. |