[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): yoyoma (young shin�p) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년06월08일(수) 07시00분21초 KDT 제 목(Title): [re] Justice is here. I apologize for taking aga's serious article with a joke. I just couldn't help it when i saw the title. anyways, i agree with aga. This world has gotten worse and worse. And, the worst thing is that people don't care. Our school used to have a dorm called "Techwood" which was the only residence hall located right next to the area called "Project Area" which is, of course, in downtown Atlanta. Since I has some friends over there, i hang out there once in a while. And, one night, I heard this huge blast sound, and thought to myself 'wow, this must be a gun-shot' so, i tell my friend 'hey did you hear that? it sounds like a shot gun' ... well, i can never forget what my friend said after that. ' hey, youngshin, is this the first you heard that?, people who live hear don't really care about that kind of sound any more. They are used to it. Unless they hear machine gun or explosive, they wouldn't even notice.' well, nw, the Techwood is demolished, they are building residence hall for school and for the Olympics. I think they are cleaning out the neighbors now since the Olympic is in hand. But, i learned a big lesson. and how people can be desensitized to their environment. young shin |