[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): agak (o|- >|-) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년06월06일(월) 03시13분05초 KDT 제 목(Title): Peace It is a peaceful sunday afternoon. As if weather would try reflecting the gigantic city, it was sunny few minutes away like there is no tomorrow .. not even thread of warning It is raining.. David Lantz must have known how to manipulate one's mind with his creations. Melodies flow like silk, then fills up the room with its entire existance with rather powerful fashion. Being another God's creation, onemust wonder the causes and reasons of one's purpose of existance. But, days like this.. is just to taste the harmony that was created in our world.. with or without consent.. It is a lovely day.. June Sun is warmer than ever.. Peace in everyone's heart today.. ********* o|- >|- ************ ********* ************ * aga@tree.egr.uh.edu Time, Love , and Painfulness * |