[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (Pang) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년05월26일(목) 14시58분47초 KDT 제 목(Title): w TO: Ha Yun and JHan Re: Recovering Past I would like to thank both of you for your help! It is very kind of you to take an interest in this project. And it is becoming a project. I'm not really a linguist, that was the system of "romanization" we learned at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey when it was called "Army Lauage School." I don't like any of those systems. If I had an emulator for Han Gul I would rather use Han Gul and practice Korean rather than do English! Now on to the geography lesson. I know exactly where the train station is in Yong D'ung P'o (where is han gul when you need it?). Our unit was about 3-4 miles from the train station in a southerly direction down toward what is now the Tang San (Where is han gul when you need it?) railway bridge. Since I was last on the BBS a friend of mine from Nebraska sent me a Tourist Map of Seoul. It isn't very detailed but I can pretty much see where were were located from the layout of the streets. Again, the detail is not very good so it is approximate. We used to have to take a Hap Sung (which was a mini-bus kind of vehicle) from the Yong Du'n P'o market (shi jang) south about vehicle) about 2 miles south from the Yong Du'ng P'o market whichvehicle) about 2 miles south from the Yong Du'ng P'o market (shi jang) which was located on the corner of the main street through YDP and the road that went to the 508th. The Hap Sung person who collected the money (usually a relatively young girl) would call out Yalected the fares "Yang P'yong Dong" when we started from that corner. It sounds to me as if the area that Yang P'yong Dong encompasses now is larger than it was then because the area around the YDP train station was just Yt was then because the area around the train station was just YDP GU and NOT YDP Gu Yang P'yong Dong. In fact, I have the address of a former student who lived on that main street at 4 ka 10 pon ji in YDP Gu only--no Yang P'yong Dong added to the address. This person's father owned a tailor shop on that main street. But he would be very old now and the student would be in her late 40's perhaps 48 years old. So, it appears that the unit I was in has disappeared--it could have been moved to Yong San, for example. My son Daniel and I will be making the trip probably just after the middle of September. We will be there for 2-3 weeks. He m after the middle of september. We will be there for 2/3 weeks. I do have a few names of people who worked at the 508th but I doubt they are still in the area after all of this time. I could give them to you if you thought it would be possible to track them down. after all of this time, I doubt they are still in the area... I doubt they are still in the area. Thank you again for your help. Pang Ch'ol Suqq |