[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): jhan (한소리) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년05월26일(목) 14시13분19초 KDT 제 목(Title): TeaTime 19 I like Song Chang-sik who, someone calls, is a Schubert of Korea; Jo Yong-pil whose name is, legitimately enough, the trade mark of the Korean popular song, along with Yi Mi-ja; and Kim Su-cheol's music world (Seo-pyeon-je). As a Korean, I value these musicians more than other "Big Namers"; ever heard of Mozart, Pucini, etc. . . ? Hello. . . . Thank you for the CD. I'm having hard time understanding it though; I can hear the color of the music, but can't see the sound of it. Still working on it. :-) Yes, went to Fullerton home last weekend. Had hair cut, and spent time, reading _The Macmillan College Handbook_ (English usage), with Heineken, at the Pavillion (a fancy shopping mall) of Westwood--think this was an unapproachablely weird combination. Pavarotti has taken a nest in my mind after I listened to "Caruso" (with Dalla), and Domingo came after having listened to "Perhaps Love" (with John Denver). Am I helplessly secular on music? But I can't say I love Sin Seung-hun, Kim Kon-mo, Yi Seung-cheol. . . and so on. For they haven't been baptized by the "time" yet. So called, the "star" singers these days look like day-flies: ephemeral (and peripheral?). Well. . you know I like your voice, don't you? Cool vacation! ----------------------------------------- Mountain is mountain, water is water. --------------------------------------- J jhan@ucsd.edu |