[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): tivor (BlackOnyx) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년05월23일(월) 07시13분41초 KDT 제 목(Title): Telnetting from Minnesota.... well, i still dont have any idea when the meeting should take place... i think sometime in mid-june will be ideal. to those who showed interest, i gave them my number (646-7650) so they could contact me with their contact number.... so we can figure something out. i have quite a roster for the ppl interested...... jinsil, claire, eunji, slimer, scent, hesc, dal, saga, lox, er... who else? i'm just writing down from top of my memory.... and i know there are more, like those who live in korea..... i'll arrive in korea on may 29. if any of you out there are interested in IRCer meeting, then call (02) 646-7650 and look for john or chan-u. hopefully, i'll maintain kids access over the summer (planning to buy a modem before i go back to korea). take care, and please contact me =))) Tivor the Wandering Wolf at Minnesota jcp2@cornell.edu |