[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): charie (샤리) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년05월18일(수) 14시02분34초 KDT 제 목(Title): Nuh-eui Gyul-hon-sik I've been listening to 'Nuh-eui Gyul-hon-sik' by Yoon Jong Sin.. interpreting the lyrics, I thought it was so sad and depressing.. actually, I still do think it's sad and depressing, however, why does the supposedly-x-girlfriend always betray her boyfriend?! gee..it's sad indeed, but it seems to me that mostly girls betray their boyfriends..which is untrue, hmph. Even from the first album, 'O-rae-jun Geu-nal,' the girl turns back on him(whoever is supposed to be turned back from the girl) and he just wished her a merciful marriage. girls aren't THAT bad..! B) /\_/\ /\_/\ A Friend is a ((ovo)) | _ _ _ _ _ ((ovo)) present you give ():::() |_| (_) (_| | | | | (= ():::() yourself. VVV VVV -R.L. Stevenson |