[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): jhan (한소리) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년05월17일(화) 08시17분30초 KDT 제 목(Title): About your "logic" on love (to: tivor) First, I'm terribly sorry that your looong posting was gone (by a hacker?). As you mentioned in p.s., when you refer to religious texts you gotta be extra- careful not to be of the religiocentrism. I tried taking your point of the biblical context as the conclusion from the emphasising (hope this were the case) but not from the logic--emphasising duty of love. Just in case, if you tried to replace plain term "love" with God'ly "duty," I want to "assert" my view on your logic of that. (I am a Christian, by the way.) As I understood: Love isn't emotion. Since Jesus commanded us to love enemies and loving them with "emotion" is hardly we, human beings, can do, it is mostly reasonalbe to aprehend love as "duty." Jesus "ordered" us to do. Therefore, "love" is not emotion but "duty." And there're Love, passion, and affection. Here,love (as we feel we understand) is replaced by Love (which is actually "duty"). I also doubt if we can categorize love (not Love) to Love (not love), passion, and affection--but it's not the one I want to talk here. There is a fallicy in logic (forgot the name); replacing inclusive concept with exclusive one--broard concept with narrow one. Love may include duty, passion, and so on. . . but duty, which can very reasonably be one face of love, shouldn't replace love. Or simply can't include love, conceptually speaking. The fact that a Jewish named Jesus used love as so is a strong arguement, but Jesus also has to follow the human (universal) logic, if he needs accepting. And indeed the duty is your own interpretation; mine is, yes, different from yours. I think you ought to put that there're duty, passion, and affection of love. I certainly agree with you, again; commitment is *the* power that makes love in the relationship stand firmly and proudly. Peace in Jesus... ----------------------------------------- Mountain is mountain, water is water. --------------------------------------- J jhan@ucsd.edu |