[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): silly (하성호) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년05월02일(월) 02시26분50초 KST 제 목(Title): On Parting Thw worst thing(Maybe one of the worst things) in life is to part with something I like. The Wise Fox in "Little Price" said that something/one becomes precious to you if you find it/him/her. But I am not quite sure if thw wise author understood the pain in parting with what I found. Another silly thought Yes, I saw the Goddess. She asked me, "Why did you call out me the other night?" "Oh, Brightnesss. Is that why you came down to me?" "Yes, and No. My Lord Zeus also told me to come down to talk to you." "Oh, Brightness, how can I call you?" "Call me Evan's Stone." "You are too beautiful, you must be Venus or more than Venus." "Yes, they call me by that name. But I prefer Evan's Stone." "Why?" "I like to remember my friend Evan." "Is he dead?" "Yes, he is dead. He was the only friend I had in humanbeings. But he is not alive anymore. He put his life into me." "You mean, he died for you?" "Yes, and NO. He saw my body when I was born from the splashes of the water. Since then he was enarmored with me. I know that. But he is man, I am a Goddess. We were different." "I see. Then why did he die?" "He was a good artist. One day he found the best stone on earth. In fact, that was stolen by Faust to build the dam for his people. After Faust finished his dam, he gave a piece of the stone to Evan to appreciate his help in building the dam." "So what happened to the stone?" "Evan decided to give a life to the stone by making a statue of me. He worked on it day and night day and night. When it was comlete it was so perfect. Another Godess was born. Gods in Olypus were confused. They coud not tell me from the stone. Peole on earth worshed Evan's Stone becaue it was real unlike other Gods in Olympus." Venus caught me writing silly things here. I have to be careful Silly, Silly, Silly, Song-ho |