[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): AGA (jinn) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년04월09일(토) 06시35분59초 "... DELETED ... " Hi, lvghost. One more place I used to go. "Four Stars" is located on the Pacific Highway 1; forgot the name of cross street. Driving north, it's on your left handside; you can't miss this restaurant. Beer and free peanuts on the outdoor table go smoothly with ocean view and seagulls. Valet parking is available but do street park; save money for beer, I mean. I had lived in LA area then transfered to La Jolla, and it's not 150 miles away but about 100. Happy LA living... p.s. Is she still holding the Picasso Exhibition? -------------------------------------------- Mountain is mountain, water is water. ----------------------------------------- J |