[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): AGA (jinn) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년04월07일(목) 00시18분53초 KST 제 목(Title): On ARM (help needed) Hello.. Thanks to those who kindly showed how to get into ARM. But, forgive me, I just can't understand what you (hseung) said: setenv NEWSRC ~/.newsrc.cc.usu.edu setenv NNTPSERVER cc.usu.edu rn monica Do you mean that I can just type 'em at telnet prompt? Or at Unix prompt? Yes, you can laugh at my "stupid" question, but would you show me "how to," in elementary level fashion, again? If you say, I'm not ready for ARM yet, I won't be upset--computer jargons kinda foreign to me, honestly speaking. Thanks million in advance, and "no problem," in case of your saying NO. p.s. Where are "stealth," "sunbum," "song," "ana2," and "Bulam"? -------------------------------------------- Mountain is mountain, water is water. ----------------------------------------- J |