[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): lvghost () 날 짜 (Date): 1994년03월15일(화) 08시51분54초 KST 제 목(Title): To Mono & Ofendees Okay, I didn't want the message to create such hostility, I was simply stating it as a sign of envy not pity I miss those days of a student, although there's 3 exams in the same week, 3 4-hour labs, and endless write-ups, I would chose being a student anyday to the monotony of work! It's true when they say that the college years are the best years of your life, I didn't realize it until I graduated though. And the phrase "study hard" was supposed to be a form of encouragement. Sigh. Oh well, VanGogh was misunderstood for his art, MOzart was misuderstood for his compositions, I guess one simple misunderstanding can be taken critically.... Ta Ta |