From : Black (Sunflower) Date : Wed Oct 7 20:43:16 1992 Subject: of life Life is an island in an ocean of loneliness , and island whose rock are hopes , whose trees are dreams , whose flowers are solitude , and whose brooks are thirst . Your life , my fellow men , is an island seperated from all other islands and reagions . No metter how many are the ships that leave your shores for other climes , no matter how many are the fleets that touch your coast, you remain a solitary island , suffering the pangs of loneliness and yearning for happiness. You are unknown to your fellow men and far removed from their sympathy and understanding. : : Your spirit's life , my brother , is incompassed by loneliness , and were it not for that loneliness and solitude , you would not be you , nor would I be I. Were it not for this hearing your voice that it was my voice speaking : or seeing your face , that it was myself looking into a mirror. |