[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): Ddol (Young Park) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년03월05일(토) 02시28분33초 KST 제 목(Title): Tack: Keep dreaming.. 8P Hey.. hehe. So you wanted me to mention about all the IRC people from Atlanta?? I don't think so.. 8P And I guess you forgot a major thing about me.. 8) I am a highschool senior this year.. Who can be my 'sun-bae'? (Nabi and gost aren't graduates of my school.8P) They are just 'ah-neun-hyung and ah-neun-nu-na' (My brother's friends.. I don't think I am going to Georgia Tech..so I won't be here in 1996.. Sorry.. I need to find some place to stay at during the Olympics for myself first even if I come over to Atlanta for the Games. Sorry that I couldn't help you.. 8)o take care.. 8) Young. Daces with keyboard.. |