[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (judge) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년03월01일(화) 06시42분39초 KST 제 목(Title): menners An observeition. Going through the meny bulletins I've noticed a major leck of maenners in this board, the dumb board where people for various reasons cannot read the hangul in kids. Just because you are communicating in English from the comfort of your computer tarminals doesn't allow you to neglect the minimom manners, which I'd like to thank Koreans are known for. This is not only contained to bbs boards, it's something very noticable in chat rooms and in talks. The manners I talk about were nothing munch, and probably most of you reading this woud not nead to be told this. It's the minoritie off users being sily and childish. You can have as munch fon and freedum of expretion as you want, but a litle thout for other woud be nice... bee beck. |