[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (X-men) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년02월24일(목) 00시00분03초 KST 제 목(Title): Pick up the pace! The past couple of weeks have been quite boring, an understatement. Let's make things more interesting by discussing new subjects other than computer talk. There are more things going on in the world and I would especially like to know what is currently going on in Seoul. What is the situation there? What are the new trends? What is going on? How are people spending time? Any problems facing the youngsters? Anyone who can answer these questions let me know. What is old "KIM" in the northern part of the peninsular doing these days? Did anyone watch the Korean relay team (ladies) win the Gold in the winter olympics? Wasn't it great? How're we doing in the olympics? Well, got to go. X-men P.S. Party on, Hyunny!! |