[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (Bazooka) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년02월08일(화) 00시13분45초 KST 제 목(Title): To Sae Bok and PoEM I can't believe it!!!!!!!! So you guys decided to end the hostile yet futile feud. Well, don't I feel like a complete ass for posting harsh remarks against you guys. Thanks for nothing!!!! I thought that I could sit back and enjoy some of the heated discussions that went on between you guys, I guess it was too good to be true. Don't get me wrong, I hate confrontations, but a heated debate over an interesting topic makes for a good reading material when one is bored. So you guys kissed and made up (not literally I hope). Good for you! Let me take this opportunity to apologize for the harsh and unwarranted remarks made by myself on my last post. But judging by your responses, noone really cared what kind of language is used in KIDS. I'm really glad that we can all be adults and open about our views and judgement here, God knows that it is not so in some countries! Well, being novice and new to KIDS, I think I'll take a break for a while and just "read" the posts. But don't count me out, I'll Be Back! Take care guys/gals. |