[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (Quantum) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년01월16일(일) 11시24분27초 KST 제 목(Title): Hello! How are you doing GUYS? Wow, it is wonderful to connect to Korea. It is my first time to connect into <kids BBS>. I preper to use English rather than Korean because I do not have Korean Card, Software and Keyboard. I am using MACINTOSHI. Anyway, I wanna have e-mail PAL (my address is bpark@mailbox.syr.edu). If you are interesting to connect me, send a e-mail, please. I am waiting always. I am a Korean student studying in the United States. I study Chemical Engineering for PhD in Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. I am 31-years old single student, graduated from Kyoungpook National University (dept. of Industrial Chemistry, BS) and POSTECH (dept. of Chemical Engineering, MS) and was a researcher of Lucky Co. Central Research Institute. I am waiting PALs as many as possible, especially young single female PAL (NaeGa NuMu SimHaetNa? NaNun JimSungY ANiOlSiDa.) Thanks GUYs, so long enjoy Quantum |