[ ComputerGamenia ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): dido (인기) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년04월08일(금) 08시01분07초 KST 제 목(Title): 울티마 8: 매뉴얼 :) 여기에 울티마 8 매뉴얼을 올립니다.. 이거 쓰느라고 팔떨어지는 줄 알았네.. 영문이니까, 사전 필요하시면 ㅊ아서 읽어요.. 번역은 너무 시간이 오래 걸려서, 히히, 죽어도 하기 싫으니까.. 그럼. INTERACTION WITH PEOPLE AND ITEMS Conversations There is a kind fisherman standing nearby-you automatically get up and begin a conversation with him. * Left-click on his text to continue, or you can wait until the text disappears. To adjust the amount of time text remains on the screen, see Diary: Options, below. * Left-click on the phrase you would like to respond with. Your possible responses are always in red, and can be identified by their bullets. * Click on the farewell keyword(usually GOODBYE, BYE, or something similar) when you are satisfied with what you have learned. * When you want to begin talking to someone, double-left-click on that person. Although conversations in Pagan do not halt the game, some scenes are important enough to move the center of the screen to the person or people with whom you are talking. When this happens, pay close attention to what is being said. You regain control as soon as the scene has run its course. Not all conversations are repeated, so pay close attention the first time you talk to anyone! Using Objects and Containers * Move to the basket to the right of the fisherman's bedroll by right-click-and-holding. * Double_left_click on the basket. The large display that appears shows what the basket contains. you open books by double-left-clicking, as well. * Left-click-and-hold on the bowl to pick it up. you can't pick up items that are not close enough, or that are on the other side of something. * Move the mouse around the screen and notice how the appearance of the mouse pointer changes. blue pointer - you can place the object here. blue cross hair- you can throw the object there. red cross - you cannot pick up/release it because the location is either too faraway or is obstructed. Releasing the button when the cursor is a red cross returns the object to its original position. * Double-left-click on the display of the basket to close it. * Pick up the basket and, for practice, toss it next to the two fish. * Put the bowl in your backpack by dragging it over you character and releasing. Be careful to check all containers carefully. Some have valuable items hidden beneath debris. MOVEMENT * Without pressing either button, move the cursor around the screen. Notice that the mouse pointer has three lengths. Jumping You can jump nearly half your height to climb taller objects- but you cannot clibm some things such as most vegetation, sharp objects and the highest mountain ledges. * When the arrow is shrt, try clicking both buttons simultaneously. You jump in place. if there were a ledge or something overhead to grapb, you would grab it and pull yourself up. * With a medium arrow(pointing any direction). try clicking both buttons. You jump forward. Walking,Running and Running leaps. The Three arrow lengths represent speeds you get when you press the right mouse button short - makes a small, cautious step forwaro take a careful step. you teeter, trying to maintain your balance. This is very useful when walking near cliffs - you won't accidentally walk off the edge. * Turn around and walk off the railing, back onto the dock. You can fall a certain distance without damage, but from greater heights it becomes increasingly difficult to survive the experience. Falling more than two times your height is fatal. COMBATy double-right-clicking on your character -this readies your weapon Whenever the weapon is drawn, you are in a combat-ready posiont * Practice swinging by very quickly double-left-clicking. * Block your opponent(in this case, imaginary)by clicking or click-and holding the left button down. Kicking. * Kick by double-right-clicking ahead of your low underground are deadly. Be careful when traveling near any of these. Wide gorges are also dangerous, but can be crossed. Stand at one edge of the gorge. Click both buttons to begin the leap across the gorge, then let go of the left button but don't release the right button yet! If you jump far enough, you can grab the ledge before falling. At this point, you can drop from the ledge by releasing the right button, or you can pull your self up by clicking th left mouse button. You can also combine leaping and climbing for a longer jump by running at full speed toward the edg) is a measure of how much damage you can withstand. Your maximum Hit Points are twice your strength. When your hit points drop to zero, you die! Unlike previous Ultimas, you don't get magically resurrected in Pagan - you mush load a previously saved game. Fortunately, Hit Points restore themselves over time, and for faster recuperation you can see a healer. Eating periodically helps your recuperation. Mana(MANA) determines your stamina when casting spells. As you cast spells, your mental fatigue increases and your Mana drops toward zero. Without Mana, you are unable to cast spells. Mana slowly replenishes itself once you cease casting spells. Weight(WGHT) is the heaviness of your load. * Minimize the display by clicking on the button at its lower-right corner. This keeps track of Hit Points and Mana without obscuring the screen. The red light signifies Hit Points and the blue light signifies Mana - they get smaller as the stats approach zero. * Double-click on the minimized display to restore it to its original size. * Left-click-and-hold on the display (somewhere other than the backpack) to move it around the game screen. It is always possible to move expanded displays when they are in the way. Double left-click on a display to close it, or [backspace] to close them all. DIARY * Pressing [Esc] or dying will bring up your diary. Left-click on any item in the Table of Contents to select it, or type the corresponding number of your selection on the keyboard. * Close the diary by pressing [ESC] when finished. tuers, turn off animations, frame skipping, and/or spped limiting to speed the game up. BEGINNING THE STORY * Return to the dock and walk toward the water. * Enter the city when the execution is over. QUICK REFERENCE MOVEMENT Careful step - small arrow/right-click Walk - Medium arrow/right-click-and-hold Run - Long arrow/right-click-and-hold Standing Jump - Medium arrow pointing in desired direction/click both buttons Running leap - long arrow/right-click-and-hold to get a running start, left-click to jump Jump&Grab - Stand beneath object/short arrow/click both buttons OBJECTS Move/Throw Object - left-click-and-hold obleckt/drag "ghost" to new position Use/talk - Double Click on item/person Open Display - Double-left-click Close Display - Duble-left-click on expanded display Close All Display - [Backspace] Open Inventory - Double-left-click on your character Open backpack - Double-left-click on the backpack in your display COMBAT Draw Weapon - Double-right-click on Avarta the following can only be done from Combat Stance. Swing Weapon - Double-left-click Kick - Double-right-click Advance - Right-clickwith arrow pointing in attack direction Block - Left-click or left-click-and-hold Retreat - Right-click with the arrow pointing in retreat direction Sheathe Weapon - Double-right-click(on Avatar) KEYBOARD COMMANDS C - Draws/ sheathes your weapon Alt-H - Changes the "hadedness of the mouse I - opens your backpack O - opens Options screen Z - Opens your equipment and stats display ESC - Opens and close your diary Backspace - Closes all open displays Alt-X - Quits the game Ctrl-V - Displays the version number of Untima VIII |