[ ComputerGamenia ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): Shark (검은 천사) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년03월30일(수) 14시42분01초 KST 제 목(Title): Mortal Kombat Move Johny Cage: ----------- Shadow Kick - Back, Forward, Low Kick Projectile - Back, Forware, Low Punch Crotch Punch: - (Next to victim) Hold Down, hold Block, hold Low Punch Fatality - (Next to victim) Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch Note: If you CONTINUE to do his fatality over and over again, you can knock off TWO heads on some victims. (ie- Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch, Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch, etc) (Works best on Scorpion and Sub Zero) Kano: ----- Kano Ball - Rotate Controller Starting w/ Forward Note: If you hold block while doing this, he will form the ball, but not go anywhere. Projectile - Hold Block, Back, Forward Note: There ARE other ways of doing this in the arcade, but in THIS version, that is the easist to do. Fatality - (Next to victim) Back, Down, Forward, Low Punch Sub Zero: --------- Freeze - Down, Forward, Low Punch Slide - Hold Controller in Defensive Crouch Position, Hold Block, Hold Low Punch, Hold Low Kick Note: This move is VERY tricky on the computer version. It takes alot of practice to get it to work to your advantage. Fatality - (Next to victim) Forward, Down, Forward, High Punch Scorpion: --------- Spear - Back, Back, Low Punch Jump Through Wall - Down, Back, High Punch Note: You cannot do this when extremely close to the corner. (He will jump, but not through the wall) Fatality - (2 inches from victim) Hold Block, Up, Up Note: You will probably not get it at first, as it takes a precise space in between the two people. Liu Kang: --------- Fireball - Forward, Forward, High Punch Flying Kick - Forward, Forward, High Kick Fatality - Circular Motion, Starting w/ Forward Raiden: ------- Torpedo - Back, Back, Forward Projectile - Down, Forward, Low Punch Teleport - Down, Forward (QUICKLY!) Fatality - (Next to victim) Forward, Back, Back, Back, High Punch Note: In the arcade, if you did the torpedo RIGHT after the fatality, it would push the headless body across the screen. I cannot get it to work, but try it, it just might do it for you. Sonya: ------ Headstand - Hold Down, Hold Block, Hold Low Punch, Hold Low Kick Note: Like Sub Zero's slide, this is also VERY tricky to master. Takes much practice. Projectile - Back, Back, Low Punch. Fly Through Air - Forward, Back, High Punch Fatality - (Next to victim) Forward, Forward, Back, Back, Block |