From : hasups (이하섭aka. HIA) Date : Mon Apr 20 13:51:41 1992 Subject: Test 4 ascii up with kscreen. 안녕하셰요. manager HIA입니다. ascii up이 hscreen으로 가능할 것 같아서 한번 시험을 해 보는 것입니다. test start...... From ufo!jato!!usc!rpi!!kasprj Mon Apr 20 13: 38:53 KST 1992 Article 29667 of rec.arts.anime: Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime Path: ufo!jato!!usc!rpi!!kasprj >From: (Jim Kasprzak) Subject: Review: Roujin Z Message-ID: <> Keywords: Note: I originally posted this on a local group at RPI. Some friends Nntp-Posting-Host: Reply-To: Organization: The Big Wedge Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1992 18:20:54 GMT Lines: 45 reccomended that I also post it here. I don't have time to read this group, so any comments would best be mailed to me. Flames will be ignored. Thanks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Roujin Z_ has been called an "anti-mecha movie". Why? I think it's mainly because what we think of as "mecha movies" stress high technology as a rouzin_Z ... end of test 영어는 잘 되는군요. 그러면 한글을 시험 하겠습니다. 시험 시작... # # 삼보 X window 한글 사용법 # #============================================================== 1. startx (만약 setenv LANG korea는 한글 환경 setenv LANG english는 영문 환경 ) 2. mwm & (혹은 twm &) 3. xim & (한자변환용) 4. hterm & (한글 Window ) # hvi hangul_file (한글 screen editor) # #============================================================== # 한글 토글 Key #-------------------------------------------------------------- # ... 시험 끝! . . . 결론 :여러분 hscreen으로 많은 글을 씁시다! |