[ CMU ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): zuma () 날 짜 (Date): 1997년09월04일(목) 06시05분28초 ROK 제 목(Title): World Robocup 97 Carnegie Mellon Soccer Robots Compete in World Robocup '97 Five teams of clicking, whirring soccer machines from the United States, Australia and Japan went at each other last Monday morning on the first day of World Robocup 97 in Japan. The championship is the high point of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, an annual meeting where scientists show off the latest in robot technology. On that first day, a Carnegie Mellon team outperformed all others, beating a Japanese team 5-0. The radio-dontrolled robots are 7.5 centimeter cubes on wheels, which have been built from scrtch. They play, using a golf ball, on a ping- pong table-sized field laid flat on the floor and surrounded by a wall to keep players and the ball within the area. @ 1997년 8월 28일자 "The 8 1/2 x 11 News" 에서 무단전제함을 밝힙니다. |