[ AUstralia ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): seik (boondocks) 날 짜 (Date): 2007년 2월 28일 수요일 오후 05시 20분 26초 제 목(Title): 집에서 쉬기를 권하는 사회 이번주 내내 집에서 일하고 학교 나오지 말랜다. The storm on Tuesday night caused damage to some 70 buildings on the ANU campus. Damage ranges from relatively minor to extensive. Where appropriate to do so, staff are encouraged to work from home for the remainder of this week. Access to buildings is gradually being restored, and updates on access to specific buildings will be made available on the ANU webpage (http://billboard.anu.edu.au/news.asp) as information becomes available. Owing to the damage to our teaching spaces, the University will not conduct lectures, tutorials or laboratory sessions on Wednesday 28 February, Thursday 1 March or Friday 2 March. A very limited set of education programs will run, and students should check the ANU webpage from time to time for updates. It is likely that on-campus access to limited information resources will be restored on Friday 2 March. 어제 우박이 밤새 내렸는데 좀 시끄럽긴 했다. 그런데 겨우 그정도로 학교가 문을 닫는 사태가 발생하는 것을 보면 참 뭔가 허술한것 같기도 하고. @boondocks |